HADA DBANK - 1st Digital Bank combines Islamic Banking and Blockchain

Here at  Hada DBank , we aim to be different from conventional banking. In fact, we are the First Digital Bank that integrates the Sharia Banking Module with Blockchain Technology. Syariah banking is not just for Muslims. This is for most people. It represents something - Transparency and Risk Sharing.
We aspire to be a 'fair' organization in the finance industry. The financial crisis of 2007-2008 plays a grim reminder of how some irresponsible players can replace all industries, making millions of people naturally ruin the finances. Sharia banking, because of transparency, profit sharing plans and losses, will also minimize market manipulation and eliminate other domino clashes.
Islamic banks are less risky and stronger than some of their counterparts, because of their bank's capital needs as well as savings mobilization. Unlike Conventional Banks, depositors to Sharia Banks have the right to be informed of what banks do with their money. They also have a tone where their money should be invested. Islamic banks also seek to avoid interest at all levels of financial transactions and promote risk sharing to lenders and borrowers.
There are two basic principles in sharia banking. One is the sharing of profits and losses; and two, with importance, the prohibition of interest collection and payment by creditors and investors. Uniting interest or "Riba" is not permitted on the basis of Islamic law. In terms of profit, either the bank or its customers in the pre-approved division. In the case of losses, all past financial losses will also be guaranteed by the lender. Beyond that, Islamic banks can not make debt without goods and services to support it (ie physical assets including machinery, equipment, and inventory). Therefore, deposits, deposits and investments with our DBank will also be supported by physical assets such as precious metals and gemstones.

Bot & A. I.

HUDA (Bot)
Personal & Assisted Financial Management Manage daily costs within the limits decided by you or through your account balance. Notify & automate payments and bills via preferred schedules. Help the plan for the financial purpose of the Long Period & Short Period.
Personal Financial Advisor (Basic) Unify real time data from a variety of bases and market trends. Calculate to generate unbiased bias for your investment.


We have the intention of raising capital for the development of  DBANK HADAthrough its HADACoin. Consumers will also be able to use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily busyness. Our customers will also be issued with Debit Card, which is very likely they do transactions with our HADACoin, in the banking base or other merchants with global.
A total of 500 million hADACoins will also be issued. 295 million coins will also be on offer to sell. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will also be allocated to private investors as well as institutional consumers. 50 Million coins 275 Million will also be released during the PRA-ICO exercise and the remaining 225 million coins will also be released in our ICO exercises sometime soon. 10 million coins will also be allocated for the gift campaign.
35% of the capital earned through our PRE-ICO training will also be allocated to R & D (research & development). 7 labs will also be built in 5 years. where lab 1 and 2 will also be based in Switzerland and Estonia semasing. OPEX (Operating Expenses) will also make 30% of the cost. Employing management executives will also be our most important activity under this field, to ensure that the best partners and industry abilities are related to the management and operation of DBANK HADA.
CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) will also receive 20% of the capital shown. Among the activities will also acquire the required business assets, as well as precious metals & gems (gold, silver and diamonds), to make future customer savings, investment and HADACoin value savings.
The last 15% will also be saved so RESERVE. This reserve will be discontinued unless so necessary and strict conditions will also be decided. The provision to use this reserve will also be determined by top management collectively and roundly, to ensure no mismanagement and superior use of the Reserve. We will also increase DBADK's HADA Reserves to 30% of the total capital, the closest period according to Islamic Finance Law.
To support the development of platforms and give impetus to their projects perform ICO. A total of 500 million HADACOIN was created and 295 million was used for the crowd. 55% of the total coins will be distributed to the public. The funds will be used for research and platform development purposes.
They want to launch E-money in 2018. 30% of the funds will be used in operational expenses. The team behind the platform is a group of experts in finance, business and technology. They have tried to create a balance in banking and technology by remembering Islamic law. We look forward to seeing a unique and fresh approach to banking.
The world has realized the power of decentralization and smart contracts considering the spike in applications and startups in recent years. While cryptocurrency can be an important indicator but may not paint a thorough and comprehensive picture of blockchain technology. The technology that caters to humans is a sustainable technology and platform like HADA DBANK explores the widespread adoption of technology.
Nothing is more satisfying than knowing that the products you produce serve a greater purpose in the growth of humanity. The future will be decided by the use of appropriate technology. Under Islamic law, there are two basic principles of banking. The first is the sharing of profits and losses and the second is to share interests with customers. The Bank has followed the true principles of Sharia Banking to meet the needs of the community. I think they are ready to write a new chapter in the banking industry.


Aditya Rizki

My Bitcointalk Profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.phpaction=profile;u=1836472;sa=summary

Eth addres:0x8FD53C5AE653BC86ff0d53b41171ff01372eEf5E


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